N: ... You go first D: I like how you snuggle with me N: aww that was good. I like eating with you. I like that you like to eat lots of different kinds of foods. And I love how you allow me to practice your presentations with you. D: and I like how you listen to them.
N: I like how your hugs make me feel not so scared D: I like how fashionable you are
We went to my co-worker's fashion show today at Hockeytown Cafe. We went with Jay-R and ate at Union Street afterward... Which included dessert. Then Dom and I won the last pvp LOL game we played. It was a great day :)
N: I like how you make me feel beautiful... like when you said I looked all cute yesterday or that when you were looking at my picture, you said I looked really good D: I like how your body feels, especially next to mine. N: Like when we're hugging? D: That and just when I touch your body, I like how it feels
N: I like that you play Vayne really well D: I like that you like to play video games with me because you like to, not just because I want to N: there is a lot of truth in what you speak of